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Abstract of Ukrainian legislation
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The Patent Attorneys Bureau B&Co provides the whole range of highly skilled services in patenting for nationals of the Ukraine and foreign persons.

The company was established at the beginning of 2001 on the basis of one of the divisions of the patent attorneys firm IPR Group. The IPR Group was founded in 1999 by two patent attorneys of the Ukraine and split in February 2001. One of the partners of the latter was Mrs.Olena Bloshchynska who is now at the head of the Patent Attorneys Bureau B&Co.

The present list of clients cooperating with the B&Co includes companies from the USA, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Turkey, Russia, the Republic of Moldova, as well as the companies doing their business in Kyiv and other cities of the Ukraine.

Besides the main activities, the company actively participates in the improvement and development of the Ukrainian intellectual property legislation.

In the past, the director of B&Co Mrs.Olena Bloshchynska, a patent attorney of the Ukraine, was an official of the Ukrainian Patent Office, which enables her to come easily to know the particulars and innovations of the IP law, as well as of the prosecution of applications at the Patent Office.

The aforesaid, as well as high professionalism of the employees makes the Patent Attorneys Bureau B&Co attractive both for national and foreign clients, and consequently favours stability of the firm.

For the time being, the firm employs highly skilled and experienced people, as well as gets other specialists, who are not on the permanent staff, involved in the work. All the specialists cooperating with the firm are carefully checked against their qualification, which has to meet the highest standard.

The free-lance specialists are got involved in works, which are not within the everyday activity of the firm. Such free-lancers include

  • translators from English, German, Spanish, French, Polish, Italian languages
  • patent specialists skilled in different fields of technique and technologies, medicine, agriculture etc.
  • law experts and attorneys at law, the latter providing consultations and working on legal proceedings
  • designers
  • programmers
  • advertising agents and others.

B&Co Staff:

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